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There were three men traveling together, a priest, a farmer and a lawyer. It was starting to get late and they needed to find a place to sleep. They came across this farm and they asked the farmer there if they could spend the night. He said, "That's fine, but my guest room is only big enough for two people, so one of you will have to sleep in the barn." The priest volunteered, saying, "I don't mind sleeping with God's creatures. I will take the barn." So they all agreed and went to their rooms. About an hour later there was a knock at the guest room door, and there stood the priest. "There is a chicken in there that won't stop clucking! I'm sorry, but I really need to trade places with someone." "I'll sleep in the barn," said the farmer, "after all, I'm used to it." About an hour later there was a knock at the guest room door and there stood the farmer. "I can't stand the odor from that cow in there any more. Will someone trade places with me?" "Well, I guess it is my turn," said the lawyer, and went to sleep in the barn. About an hour later there was a loud knock at the guest room door, and there stood the chicken and the cow. Random joke in this category
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Dr. Slick Ima Moose I. Notta Moose
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