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One morning a boy got up and was leaving the house with a hand full of chicken wire. His father said, "Son, where are you going?" The son replied, "I'm going to catch me some chickens." The father said, "Son, you can't catch chickens with chicken wire." But the son insisted that he knew what he was doing. Later on that day, the son came home with two chickens in his hand. The father thought, "I guess he knows what he's doing." The next morning, the son got up and was leaving the house with some duct tape. The father said, "Son, where are you going?" The son replied, "I'm going to catch me some ducks." The father yelled, "You can't catch ducks with duct tape!" The son insisted that he knew what he was doing. Later on that day the son came home with two ducks under each arm. The father thought, "Shoot, I guess he does know what he's doing!" The next morning the son got up and was leaving the house with a handful of pussywillows. The father said, "Hold up, son, let me put on my shoes!" Random joke in this category
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