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  Home game of life spiral memory ripples  

  •  The Categories
->   game of life  In the game of life, there is a grid of spaces where little "creatures" can live. As time goes on, they can either live, die, or revive, depending on how many neighboring creatures they have. Click your mouse wherever you would like to generate new life!
->   psychedelic spiral  Whoa... be prepared for a visual "trip" to the psychedelic side of greeting cards! A hypnotic, spinning, colorful spiral that responds to your mouse.
->   memory  Your recipient will have to play a fun game of memory to see your message, because it is hidden behind the cards! In the game of memory, there are pairs of cards that the player tries to match. The cards are all face down, and two cards are flipped per turn.
->   ripples  Choose your image, then watch as it's reflection ripples over the water of a virtual lake! Click to reverse the ripple direction.
Animated Greeting Cards
  •   Interactive animations bring life to your greeting! Your recipient will interact with your greeting, making it fun and interesting. To begin, choose one of the categories described to the left. Note: this section of the site requires a JavaTM enabled browser :)  
  •   Click for examples:
life - spiral - memory - ripples
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   To send an interactive animation greeting, first select a category from the list above. You may also click one of the tabs in the page header.

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Animated Greeting Cards